Tuesday 20 May 2014

It's Done

A word of warning, this is a bit of a soppy post but i'm in a soppy mood! 

'I have finished my degree' - these are words that, at times, i didn't think i'd ever be able to say. Last year was a particularly bad year for me and i was very close to giving up and dropping out of uni. I had no want or desire to go to any lectures, i had lost all interest in my course, and i had no motivation to do any of the work. But, after a few pep talks from my friends and family, i pushed through and made it to 3rd year. And this year has been one of the most brilliant years of my life. I have made some beautiful, kind, generous, funny, and down right amazing friends on my course and at uni in general. My confidence in myself has grown and despite everything, i've made it to the end of my degree. I feel proud that i can say that, although it doesn't quite feel real at the moment. Completing university is a massive achievement for everyone and anyone, but i think when you are dealing with mental health issues as well, it is an even bigger achievement. So to all of you out there who have finished your degree whilst suffering from a mental health issue, i just want to say "Congratulations!!" We did it! We made it through all the crap that is in our minds, constantly telling us that we are not good enough. And at times, we may have wanted to give up, but we didn't. For that, we should be proud. 

My 3 years at university have been filled with ups and downs, laughs and tears. But i just want to say a massive 'Thank you' to all of my friends who have stuck by me despite my crazies. You have no idea how much you all mean to me, I wouldn't have made it through everything if i hadn't had you. You all know who you are, so i won't write a whole list of names. But it is thanks to you that my confidence in myself has grown. You have been my rocks, my shoulders to cry on, and you have always been there when i need a cuddle (even those of you who don't like cuddles!). For those of you who i met this year, i only wish we had met sooner! But i am sure we will have plenty of time together after uni. So thank you, for making the past 3 years the best of my life! 

There was a time that i very nearly didn't come to uni. I was too afraid to leave home, too anxious about meeting new people. I didn't think i'd be able to cope being so far from home and my friends and family. But i decided to go anyway. And i am so unbelievably happy that i did. If i hadn't of come to uni, i would still be stuck at home, moping about doing some boring job. And whilst i will be moping about doing some boring job after uni, i will be doing it in my own flat with one of my best friends. And that makes me happier than you can even imagine. If i hadn't of come to uni, i would never have met the wonderful people that i know now, nor would i have grown into a confident, independent young woman (wow, sounds weird referring to myself as a woman, but i kind of feel like i am one now….Maybe..!) Hindsight is a wonderful thing but if i could rewind the clocks, i wouldn't change a thing (well maybe a couple of things, but mostly i wouldn't!)

So here's to you, my amazingly awesome, supermegafoxyawesomehot (this is a Starkid reference…my inner nerd coming out a bit!) friends. Without you i wouldn't have made it this far and for that i am, and will always be, unbelievably grateful. I love you all and wish you all the best of luck for the future, a future that will hopefully involve all of us staying in contact for a long, long time!!
(Sorry that this is a ridiculously soppy post!)

1 comment:

  1. Have I mentioned yet that you're totally awesome? Yes? Oh well repetition never hurt :p. Congratulations, so very pleased for you hun :). Xxx
